Politique de confidentialité

Galerie Inna Khimich

SIRET number: 818 557 985 00020
45 RUE LAMALGUE – 83000 TOULON – France.

Host of the « galerie-inna-khimich.com » website:

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RCS (trade and companies register) of LILLE METROPOLE, under number 444 610 976
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Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Terms of use of the « galerie-inna-khimich.com » website

The use of this website implies acceptance of the conditions of use defined below.
The Inna Khimich Gallery reserves the right to take legal action, in case of violation of the terms of use, especially in case of non-compliance and unauthorised use of names and works, or in case of violation of the rights related to the information, design, text, videos, audio files, photographs and images, and more generally to the whole content of the website.


In application of the French Code of Intellectual Property, and more generally of international treaties and agreements containing provisions related to copyright protection, it is prohibited for any use other than private or educational, to reproduce, sell, disseminate, modify, publish, in whole or in part, in any form whatsoever, the data, presentation or organisation of the site, or the works protected by copyright shown on the website, without specific prior written authorisation from the Inna Khimich Gallery.


Managers of online services who create links to this website are required to ask the artist for permission beforehand. This website may contain links to other sites which are not under permanent control. These links are considered useful and may bring complementary information to the site. The Inna Khimich Gallery does not assume any responsibility for these third-party websites, in particular regarding the accuracy and reliability of the information, data, or opinions contained therein.

Protection of personal data

You are required to communicate personal information, especially when using our shop. The information you provide is for the exclusive use of the Inna Khimich Gallery and will not be transferred to third parties. Any user, having submitted personal information, directly or indirectly, may request this information from the service administrator and have it rectified if necessary, in accordance with the French law N 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms (CNIL). To exercise this right, please contact the Inna Khimich Gallery. Users are also reminded that the confidentiality of correspondence cannot be guaranteed on the Internet network.